Books in English in Chile


We have to advice you that the following not an easy task: finding English books in Santiago. Of course, you can always use E-Books, but we understand that from time to time,  it is nice to feel the cover and the paper of a book. You can also have other strategies such as bring books from your country (which is heavy and requires space in your luggages, always difficult to have) or have the book delivered via a courier.

Searching we found some places where you can buy books here in Santiago. You should know that books are a little more expensive that in other countries.

1) Librería Inglesa:  You can find stores in different places like Vitacura or Providencia. They have different kind of books in English. At this time of the year, they have more English teaching books (schools classes are starting in March here in Chile), but they receive more variety of titles from April/May.

2) Feria Permanente del Libro Usado de Providencia: it is situated in Providencia 1114. You can find second hand books in English. It can be a good option to find books at a cheaper price.

3) In the books stores Que Leo, Antártica and Feria Chilena del Libro, you can also find an English book section, but probably is no so big.

If you have another data, please share with Inside Santiago community, we will appreciate!

Books for a summer afternoon in the pool

summer reading


We are enjoying a warm weather in this south location of the globe and nothing more relaxing that reading a good novel while you sunbathe.

In case you are a non-native Spanish speaker, this recommendation will help you to practice your Spanish. If you don´t speak Spanish, maybe you can buy an English version of these books online.


Caballo de Fuego Trilogy- Author;Florencia Bonelli 



It is a trilogy from an Argentinean author. Great love story with a great context behind. First you need to read Caballo de Fuego Paris, then Caballo de Fuego Congo and finally Caballo de Fuego Gaza.  It is not necessary but it is good if you first read “Lo que dicen tus ojos”, where the story of some characters is explained here. (We are not sure if the paper version can be found in Santiago´s bookstores.)



Dispara yo ya estoy muerto- Author;Julia Navarro




“Dispara yo ya estoy muerto” from Julia Navarro, author of other successful novels of Spanish narrative such as “La sangre de los inocentes” and “Dime quien soy”, is the passionate story of two families. The characters live in key moments of the history. Varsovia, San Petersburgo, Jerusalem, Paris… are some of the interesting locations where this novel takes place.


En el país de la nube blanca- Author:Sarak Lark


sarah lark


Sarah Lark  is a German author that worked a lot of years as a touristic guide. She got fascinated about New Zealand and its fascinated landscapes. This novel is part of  a new literary phenomenon, which is called “Landscape novels”. “En el país la nube blanca” is the first novel of a saga. In the London of 1852, two girls begin a journey to New Zealand. For them, it means the beginning of a new life as future wives of men who do not know.


You can find these books in different bookstores such as Feria Chilena del Libro and also in some supermarkets like Jumbo.